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2014 - 2021

Recent Publications          I        Journal Articles       I         Book Chapters         I       Media Articles & Interviews

Recent Publications

Recent Publication

Prof. Hualing Fu & Weitseng Chen

"High Policing and Human Rights Lawyering in China" [Link]

University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2021/046

Albert Chen Hung-yee 陳弘毅 (REV2020).jpg

Prof. Albert Chen & Prof. Nicholas Aroney

"Multi-level Governance and Constitutions of ‘Plurality-in-Unity’: ‘One Country, Two Systems’ in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (1997-2019)" [Link]

University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2022/07

Gu Weixia 顧維遐.jpg

Dr. Weixia Gu

"The Global Rise of International Commercial Courts: Typology and Power Dynamics" [Link]

Chicago Journal of International Law, April 2022

Zhao Yun 趙雲.jpg

Prof. Yun Zhao

"The Singapore mediation convention: A version of the New York convention for mediation?" [Link]

Journal of Private International Law, 20 January 2022


Prof. Hualing Fu & Prof. Xianchu Zhang

"Judging the Party: Public Law Wrongs and Private Law Remedies" [Link]

The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 23 February 2022

Albert Chen Hung-yee 陳弘毅 (REV2020).jpg

Prof. Albert Chen & Prof. Simon Young

"Liability for Imposing Sanctions Against the PRC or Hong Kong under Hong Kong’s National Security Law" [Link]

University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper 2020/061 (Jan. 2022)

Albert Chen Hung-yee 陳弘毅 (REV2020).jpg

Prof. Albert Chen 

"Constitutions and Constitutionalism: China from II - Concepts and Definitions" [Link]

Constitutionalism in Context, 17 February 2022

Yongxi Chen 陳咏𤋮.JPG

Yongxi Chen

"From Datafication to Data State: Making Sense of China’s Social Credit System and Its Implications" [Link]

University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2022/02

Yongxi Chen 陳咏𤋮.JPG

Yongxi Chen

"Semantic Search and Summarization of Judgments Using Topic Modeling" [Link]

Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (IOS Press Ebooks 2021) pp 100-106 

Li Yahong 李亞虹 (REV 2020).jpg

Yahong Li

"Players’ rights to game mods: Towards a more balanced copyright regime" [Link]

Computer Law & Security Review (Nov 2021)


Benjamin Chen

"The Appeal of Machine Justice" [Link]

HKU Bulletin (Nov 2021)

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John Zhuang Liu

"Jury Trial And Public Trust In The Judiciary: Evidence From Cross-countries Comparison" [Link]

Asia Pacific Law Review (Sep 2021)

Yu Guanghua 郁光華.jpg

Guanghua Yu 

The Rise of Germany in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries and Sustaining Democracy [Link]

Law and Development Review (Aug 2021)

Richard Cullen.jpg

Richard Cullen 

White Man’s Media: anxious and aggressive [Link]



Prof Douglas W. Arner, Dr Giuliano Castellano, Eriks Selga

The Transnational Data Governance Problem [Link]

Under Review by SSRN (27 Aug 2021)

Gu Weixia 顧維遐.jpg

Dr. Weixia Gu

China's Law and Development: A Case Study of the China International Commercial Court [Link]

Harvard International Law Journal (Jul 2021)

Gu Weixia 顧維遐.jpg

Dr. Weixia Gu

Multi-tier Approaches and Global Dispute Resolution [Link]

Japanese Yearbook of International Law (Mar 2021)

Gu Weixia 顧維遐.jpg

Dr. Weixia Gu

China’s Approach to the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and International Litigation Capacity Building [Link]

The Journal of Comparative Law (Jan 2021)

Richard Cullen.jpg

Richard Cullen 

Protests or riots? First-hand retelling of Hong Kong’s ‘democracy’ struggle (Mar 31, 2021)[link]

HK's new political realities after 2019 watershed year (Mar 10, 2021) [link]

How Hong Kong became a focus at the two sessions (Mar 8, 2021) [link]

How a managed riot flummoxed the media (Mar 7, 2021) [link]

Ruling on mask ban a reminder of centrality of public interest (Mar 1, 2021) [link]

US is top threat to peace in the world (Feb 5, 2021) [link]

Why is it insurrection in US and just protest in HK? (Jan 22, 2021) [link]

Different perceptions of insurrection in US and HK (Jan 13, 2021) [link]

Richard Cullen.jpg

Richard Cullen 

Book Review of "Is the Hong Kong Judiciary Sleepwalking to 2047? HENRY LITTON Hong Kong: Sherriff Books, 2019 216 pp." [link]

Cambridge University Press on behalf of SOAS University of London (8 March 2021)

Richard Cullen.jpg

Richard Cullen

Litigation shield laws crucial to development of vaccines [link]

China Daily, 8 Jan 2021 

COVID-19 vaccines, litigation-shield laws go hand in hand [link]

China Daily, 4 Jan 2021

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Qiao Shitong 

The Authoritarian Commons: Divergent Paths of Neighborhood Democratization in Three Chinese Megacities [full text]

American Journal of Comparative Law, Forthcoming.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles
China and International Law

Ying Xia (2020) China's Environmental Campaign: How China's 'War on Pollution' is Transforming the International Trade in Waste,  NYU Journal of International Law and Politics (Vol. 51, 2019) [Link]

John Zhuang Liu, Lars Klöhn & Holger Spamann (2019) Precedent and Chinese Judges: An Experiment, Harvard John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics, and Business, Discussion Paper No. 997, 04/2019 [Link]

Hualing Fu (2019) East Asian Socialism and East Asian Legality: A Response to Ewan Smith, Asian Journal of Comparative Law (Vol 14:2, 2019)  [Link]

James D. Fry & Huang Yining (2019) The Semisecret Life of Late Mao-Era International Law Scholarship 

Pace Law Review, Vol. 39, pp 991-1057 

Zhao Yun (2017) Intellectual Property Protection in Outer Space: Reconciling Territoriality of Intellectual Property with Non-Territoriality in Outer Space

Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property Vol. 7(2)


James D. Fry & Agnes Chong (2016) International Water Law and China’s Management of its International Rivers 

Boston College International and Comparative Law Review Vol. 39:2


Zhao Yun (2015) Resolving Telecommunications Interconnection Disputes: The Way Forward for China? Annals of Air and Space Law Vol. XL

James D. Fry (2015) Privacy, Predictability and Internet Surveillance in the US and China: Better the Devil You Know? 

University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 37


Zhao Yun (2015) Legal Regime for the Regulation of Commercial Space Activities in China Kobe University Law Review (International Edition) Vol. 49

Hong Kong Law

Albert H. Y. Chen (2021) The National Security Law of the HKSAR: A Contextual and Legal Study, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2021/048 [Link]

Hualing Fu (2019) Two Paradigms of Emergency Power: Hong Kong’s Liberal Order Meeting the Authoritarian State, Hong Kong Law Journal 2020 (2) [Link]

Albert H. Y. Chen and Simon N. M. Young (2020) Liability for Imposing Sanctions Against the PRC or Hong Kong under Hong Kong’s National Security Law, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper 2020/061 [Link]


Zhang Xianchu (2019) 粵港澳大灣區:機遇與挑戰 [Opportunities and Challenges Facing Guangong-Hong Kong-Macau Great Bay Area], 澳門法學 [Macau Law Review] Vol 40 (2) pp 189-204


Han Zhu & Albert Chen (2019) The Oath-taking Cases and the NPCSC Interpretation of 2016, Hong Kong Law Journal Vol 49 (1) [Link] 


Xiaonan Yang & Fu Hualing (2019) Revisiting Legislative Interpretations in China and the Implications for Hong Kong, Hobng Kong Law Journal Vol 49 (1)


Han Zhu (2019) Beijing's "Rule of Law" Strategy for Governing Hong Kong, China Perspective Issue 1 pp 22-33 [Link]


P Y Lo & Albert Chen (2018) The Judicial Perspective of "Separation of Powers in Hong Kong" Journal of International and Comparative Law Vol 5(2)

Albert H. Y. Chen (2016) The law and politics of the struggle for universal suffrage in Hong Kong, 2013-15 Vol 3:1 Asian Journal of Law and Society


Wilson Chow & Michael Ng (2016) Disintermediator or another intermediary? E-simulation platform for professional legal education at University of Hong Kong  Vol 7:1 European Journal of Law and Technology

Han ZHU & LI Xi (2016) 香港终审法院和宪法权利保护 (Translation of article ‘Constitutional Rights in Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal’ by Professor Simon Young) Vol 1北航法学 (Law Journal of Beihan University)

Han ZHU & Albert H. Y. Chen (2016) 2016年香港立法会选举及宣誓风波法律评析———历史和比较法的视角 (A Legal Analysis of the 2016 Hong Kong Legislative Council Oath-Taking Controversy: A Historical and Comparative Perspective)  4 法学评论 (Law Review)

Albert H. Y. Chen (2015) 香港特首普選模式第二輪諮詢的幾個法律和政治問題(Several Legal and Political Issues relating to the Second Round of Consultation on the Model for the Election of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR by Universal Suffrage) Vol 20 紫荆論壇 (Bauhinia Tribune)

Wilson Chow & Michael Ng (2015) Legal Education without the Law - Lay clients as teachers and assessors in communication skills Vol 22:1 International Journal of the Legal Profession 

Albert H. Y. Chen (2014) ‘A Stroke of Genius’ in Kong Yunming Vol 44:1 Hong Kong Law Journal

Han ZHU (2014) 香港回归前后的社会运动和宪制发展 (Development of Social Movements and Constitutional Governance in Post-War Hong Kong) Vol 1 当代港澳研究(Studies on Hong Kong and Macau)


Albert H. Y. Chen (2014) 香港特别行政区的管治和发展:平衡“一国”与“两制”的中道 (The Governance and Development of the HKSAR: A Middle Way that Balances ‘One Country’ with ‘Two Systems’ ) 青年研究学报(Journal of Youth Studies)


Qiao Shitong (2021) Legal Doctrine and Judicial Review of Eminent Domain in China, Law & Social Inquiry , Volume 46 , Issue 3 , August 2021 , pp. 826 - 859 [Link]


Benjamin Minhao Chen & Zhiyu Li (2020) How Will Technology Change the Face of Chinese Justice?, Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 2020, Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 1-58 [Link]


Haochen Sun (2020) Reinvigorating the Human Rights to Technology, Michigan Journal of International Law (v. 41, 2020)  [Link]

Qiao Shitong (2020) Expropriation in the Name of Rights: Transferable Development Rights (TDRs), the Bundle of Sticks and Chinese Politics, New York University Journal of Law & Liberty (Vol 13:1, 2020) [Link]

Yahong Li (2020) The Age of Remix and Copyright Law Reform, Law, Innovation and Technology (Vol 12:1, 2020) [Link]

Yahong Li (2020) Black Hole” Image and Their Legal Implications, Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal (v. 38 n. 1) [Link]

Yahong Li (2019) The Current Dilemma and Future of Software Patenting, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law50, 823–859 [Link]

Zhao Yun (2017) Intellectual Property Protection in Outer Space: Reconciling Territoriality of Intellectual Property with Non-Territoriality in Outer Space

Vol 7 Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property

Yahong Li & Graham Greenleaf (2017) China’s Copyright Public Domain: A Comparison with Australia  Vol 27:3 Australian Intellectual Property Journal.


Haochen Sun (2016) Hermès in the Lost (Luxury) Paradise: How to Secure Enhanced Well-Known Trade Mark Protection in China Vol 38:2 European Intellectual Property Review 

Yahong Li (2014) The Boundary of Intellectual Property and Balance of Interest (知识产权的边界与利益平衡) 10 法治研究 (Research on Rule of Law)


Haochen Sun (2014) Reforming Anti-Dilution Protection in the Globalization of Luxury Brands 45:3 Georgetown Journal of International Law 


Yahong Li (2014) 中美专利走势对创新的寓意(Sino-US Patenting Trends and Implications to Innovation) Vol 11 中德法学论坛(Jahrbuch des Deutsch-Chinesischen Instituts für Rechtswissenschaft der Universitäten Göttingen und Nanjing)

Law/Development/Society in China

Hualing Fu (2020) Understanding the Evolving Relationship between the Party and the Law: The Case of China’s National Supervision Commission, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2020/072 [Link]

Hualing Fu (2020) Pro Bono, Legal Aid, and the Struggle for Justice in China, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2020/073 [Link]

Hualing Fu (2020) Understanding the Evolving Relationship between the Party and the Law: The Case of China’s National Supervision Commission, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2020/072 [Link]

He Xin and Yang Su (2019) Flexibility and Authority: Resolving Labor Disputes in a Country Government in Western ChinaLaw & Society Review (2019) [Link]


Angela Zhang (2019) Ownership and political control: Evidence from charter amendments, International Review of Law and Economics, Volume 60, December 2019


Xin He & Huina Xiao (2019) A Typology of Tax Compliance in Developing Economies: Empirical Evidence from China's Shoe Industry, Law & Policy Vol 41(2) pp 242-266


Hualing Fu (2019) Social Organization of Right: From Rhetoric to Reality, UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal Vol 36 (1)

Angela Zhang (2019) Strategic Public Shaming: Evidence from Chinese Antitrust Investigations China Quarterly Vol 237

Hualing Fu (2019) Editorial: Touching the Proverbial Elephant: The Multiple Shades of Chinese Law [full text]

China Perspective Issue 1 pp 3-9

Xianchu Zhang (2019) Integration of CCP Leadership with Corporate Governance, China Perspectives Issue 1 pp 55-63


Yongxi Chen & Lingqiao Song (2018) China: Concurring Regulation of Cross-Border Genomic Data Sharing for Statist Control and Individual Protection, Human Genetics Vol 137 (8) pp 605-615

Hualing Fu (2018) The July 9th (709) Crackdown on Human Rights Lawyers: Legal Advocacy in an Authoritarian State  Journal of Contemporary China Vol 27 (112)

Angela Zhang (2018) The Role of Media in Antitrust: Evidence from China, Fordham International Law Journal Vol 41:2

Shitong Qiao (2018) Rights-Weakening Federalism Vol 102:4 Minnesota Law Review

Roderick M. Hills, Jr. & Shitong Qiao (2018) Binding Leviathan: Credible Commitment in an Authoritarian Regime Vol 102:4 Minnesota Law Review

Wendell Pritchett & Shitong Qiao (2018) Exclusionary Megacities , Vol 91:3 Southern California Law Review

Angela Zhang (2017) The Antitrust Paradox of China, Inc , New York University Journal of International Law and Politics Vol 50

Shitong Qiao (2017) Dealing with Illegal Housing: What New York City Can Learn from Shenzhen, China?  Vol 1 Fordham Urban Law Journal

Hualing Fu (2017) What Future is there for Human Rights Lawyering in China? , Made in China

Shitong Qiao (2017) Dealing with Illegal Housing: What New York City Can Learn from Shenzhen, China?  Vol 1 Fordham Urban Law Journal 

Shitong Qiao (2017) 违法房屋与反向区划:基于纽约和深圳的比较研究 (Dealing with Illegal Housing: What New York City Can Learn from Shenzhen, China?) , Vol 1 城市治理研究 (Urban Governance Studies)

Roderick M. Hills, Jr & Shitong Qiao (2017) Voice and Exit as Accountability Mechanisms: Can Foot-Voting Be Made Safe for the Chinese Communist Party? , Vol 48:3 Columbia Human Rights Law Review

Albert H. Y. Chen (2016) China's long march toward rule of law or China's turn against law? Vol 4:1 The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law

Yu Guanghua (2016) Derivative Actions in China: Path Dependence Revisited Notes, The Journal of Comparative Law

Hualing Fu (2016) Building Judicial Integrity in China, Vol 39:1 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review

Chen, Yongxi Clement (2016) Transparency versus Stability: The New Role of Chinese Courts in Upholding Freedom of Information 9 Tsinghua China Law Review

Shitong Qiao (2015) The Politics of Chinese Land: Partial Reform, Vested Interests, and Small Property Vol 29:1 Columbia Journal of Asian Law

Shitong Qiao & Frank K. Upham (2015) The Evolution of Relational Property Rights: A Case of Chinese Rural Land Reform  Vol 100: 6 Iowa Law Review

Shitong Qiao (2015) Small Property, Big Market: A Focal Point Explanation, Vol 63:1 American Journal of Comparative Law

Shitong Qiao (2014) Planting Houses in Shenzhen: A Real Estate Market without Legal Titles Vol 29 Canadian Journal of Law and Society

Hualing Fu (2014) Human Rights Lawyering in Chinese Courtrooms, Vol 2:2 The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law


Legal History & Philosophy

Michael Ng (2019) Exploratory multivariate space–time analysis of colonial justice in Hong Kong during 1900–1930, GeoJournal, 2019, Epub [Full text]

Michael Ng & Xuanming Pan (2017) Non-Professional Access to Justice in Rural China: A History of Atypical Legal Development and Legal Service Provision Vol 17:3 China Review 

Michael Ng (2017) When Silence Speaks: Press Censorship and Rule of Law in British Hong Kong (1850s-1940s) Vol 29:3 Law and Literature 

Michael Ng, Edwin T. Chow & David W.S. Wong (2016) Geographical Dimension of Colonial Justice: Using GIS in Research on Law and History Vol 34:4 Law and History Review 

Michael Ng (2016) Rule of Law in Hong Kong History Demythologised: Student Umbrella Movement of 1919 Vol 46:3 Hong Kong Law Journal 

Michael Ng (2015) Dirt of Whitewashing: Re-conceptualizing Debtors’ Obligations in Chinese Business by Transplanting Bankruptcy Law to Early British Hong Kong (1860s-1880s) Vol 57:8 Business History

Michael Ng (2015) 见异思迁?——评介孙慧敏:《制度移植——民初上海的中国律师(1912-1937)》(Seeking a change of legal mind?) 1 人大法律评论(Renmin University Law Review) 

Albert Chen (2014) The Discourse of Political Constitutionalism in Contemporary China: Gao Quanxi’s Studies on China’s Political Constitution Vol 14:2 The China Review

Albert Chen (2014) 儒家与宪政:从张君勱先生的生平与志业谈起(Confucianism and Constitutionalism: The Life and Vocation of Zhang Junmai ) 1 中国法律评论(China Law Review)

Law and Economics

Angela Zhang (2020) The U.S.-China Trade Negotiation: A Contract Theory Perspective, Georgetown Journal of International Law, Volume 51, Number 4 (2020) [Link]

Mediation & Arbitration

Shahla Ali (2020) ICA and ISDS Developments in Hong Kong in the Context of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Civil Justice Quarterly, Volume 39, Number 3, p. 256-291(2020) [Link]

Shahla Ali (2020) Cultural Issues in International Arbitration, INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION PRACTICE IN THE 21ST CENTURY, (Lexis Nexis), Vol 3. Ch. 6. (2013; 2020) [Link]

Gu Weixia (2019) Conflict of Laws Study in Hong Kong–China Judgment Regionalism: Legal Challenges and Renewed Momentum, Cornell International Law Journal, Winter 2020, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp 591-642  [Link]

Gu Weixia (2019) China's Belt and Road Development and A New International Commercial Arbitration Initiative in Asia 中國的“一帶一路”發展和亞洲的國際商事仲裁融合, 《國際法研究》, 2020, v. 37 n. 1, p. 105-128 [Link]


Gu Weixia (2019) Hybrid Dispute Resolution beyond Belt and Road: Towards a New Design of Chinese Arb-Med(-Arb) and Its Global Implications, Washington International Law Journal (Vol 29:1, 2019) [Link]

Gu Weixia (2018) Looking at Arbitration through a Comparative Lens: General Principles and Specific Issues The Journal of Comparative Law  Vol 13 (2) pp 164-188 [Link]

Gu Weixia (2018) The Developing Nature of Arbitration in Mainland China and Its Correlation with the Market: Institutional, Ad Hoc, and Foreign Institutions Seated in Mainland China, Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal Issue 10 pp 257-91 [Link]

Gu Weixia (2018) 無涉外因素爭議的域外仲裁問題 (Issues of Extraterritorial Arbitration in Non-Foreign-Related Disputes) 

Peking University Law Journal (中外法學) Vol 30 (3) pp 651-70 [Link]

Gu Weixia (2018) Piercing the Veil of Arbitration Reform in China: Promise, Pitfalls, Patterns, Prognosis, Prospect Vol 66 American Journal of Comparative Law [Link]


Shahla Ali (2017) The Legal Framework for Med-Arb Developments in China: Recent Cases, Institutional Rules and Opportunities Vol 10:2 Dispute Resolution International [Link]

Gu Weixia (2016) When Local Meets International: Mediation Combined with Arbitration in China and Its Prospective Reform in a Comparative Context Vol 10:2 The Journal of Comparative Law [Link]

Zhao Yun (2015) Mediation in Contemporary China: Thinking about Reform Mediation in Contemporary China: Continuity and Change: General Concerns: Policies, Practices (2015) and Reform Vol 10:2 The Journal of Comparative Law [Link]

Gu Weixia (2015) Responsive Justice in China during Transitional Times: Revisiting the Juggling Path between Adjudicatory and Mediatory Justice Vol 14:1 Washington University Global Studies Law Review [Full text]


Gu Weixia (2014) The Delicate Art of Med-Arb and Its Future Institutionalisation in China Vol 31: 2 UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal [Link]

Book Chapters

Book Chapter
China and International Law

Albert H. Y. Chen, The Chinese Tradition of Administrative Law. In Peter Cane, Herwig CH Hofmann, Eric Ip and Peter L Lindseth (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Administrative Law (Oxford University Press, December 2020) [Link]

Albert H. Y. Chen, Constitutional Courts in Asia: Western Origins and Asian Practice. In Chen, AHY and Harding, A (Eds.), Constitutional Courts in Asia: A Comparative Perspective, p. 1-31. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018 [Link]


Zhao Yun, Emerging Approaches in Development Efforts: Chinese Perspective on Space and Sustainable Development. In Al-Ekabi, C & Ferretti, S (Eds.), Yearbook on Space Policy 2016: Space for Sustainable Development, p. 265-280. Switzerland: Springer, 2018 [Link}


Zhao Yun, Legal and Policy Aspects of Space Cooperation in the BRICS Region. In Neuwirth, RJ, Svtlicinii, A & De Castro Halis, D (Eds.), The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation, p. 287-308. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017 [Link]



Hong Kong Law

Albert H. Y. Chen, Hong Kong in China: The Project of 'One Country, Two Systems' and the Question of National Security. In China's National Security: Endangering Hong Kong's Rule of Law, p. 19-39. London: Hart Publishing, 2020 [Link]


Michael Ng法治 . 戀殖. In 朱耀偉編, 香港關鍵詞:想像新未來, p. 77-88. 香港: 中文大學出版社, 2019 [Link]

Albert H. Y. Chen, The autonomy of Hong Kong under 'One Country, Two Systems'. In Lui, TL, Chiu, SWK and Yep, R (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Hong Kong, p. 33-51. London: Routledge, 2019 [Link]


Albert H. Y. Chen & PY Lo, The constitutional orders of 'One Country, Two Systems': A Comparative Study Of The Visible And Invisible Bases Of Constitutional Review And Proportionality Analysis In The Chinese Special Administrative Regions Of Hong Kong And Macau. In Rosalind Dixon and Adrienne Stone (Eds.), The Invisible Constitution in Comparative Perspective, p. 230-267. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018 [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen & PY Lo, Hong Kong's judiciary under 'One Country, Two Systems'. In Lee, HP & Pittard, M (Eds.), Asia-Pacific Judiciaries: Independence, Impartiality and Integrity, p. 131-168. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018 [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, Social movements and the law: the case of Hong Kong. In Ng, MHK & Wong, JD (Eds.), Civil Unrest and Governance in Hong Kong, p. 117-140. London: Routledge, 2017 [Link]

Albert H. Y. Chen, The Law and Politics of Constitutional Reform and Democcratization In Jones, BC (Ed.), Law and Politics of the Taiwan Sunflower and Hong Kong Umbrella Movements, p.65-82. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2017 [Link]

Hualing Fu, Political Protest in High-Income Societies: The Case of the Occupy Central Movement in Hong Kong In Jones, BC (Ed.), Law and Politics of the Taiwan Sunflower and Hong Kong Umbrella Movements, p. 83-99. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2017 [Link]


Han Zhu, A Divided Society: Chinese Public Opinion on Resistance Movements, Democracy, and Rule of Law. In Jones, BC (Ed.), Law and Politics of the Taiwan Sunflower and Hong Kong Umbrella Movements, p. 161-184. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2017 [Link]


Albert H. Y. Chen, 香港政治體制中的行政與立法機關. In 陳弘毅, 鄒平學主編, 香港基本法面面觀, p. 273-286. 香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司, 2015 [Link]


Albert H. Y. Chen & Po Jen Yap, 公法的全球化:香港人權法的個案. In 陳弘毅, 鄒平學主編, 香港基本法面面觀, p. 352-378 . 香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司, 2015


Albert H. Y. Chen, Development of representative government. In Chan, JMM & Lim, CL (Eds.), Law of the Hong Kong Constitution (2nd ed.), p. 245-289. Hong Kong: Sweet and Maxwell, 2015


Albert H. Y. Chen & P.Y. Lo, 香港終審法院關於基本法的司法判例評析. In 陳弘毅, 鄒平學主編,香港基本法面面觀, p. 54-94. 香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司, 2015

Albert H. Y. Chen, 單一與多元: “一國兩制”下的特別行政區基本. In 张千帆主编, 憲法學 (第3版), p. 480-527. 北京: 法律出版社, 2014 



Zhao Yun, Online Privacy Protection. In Zhao, Y & Ng, M (Eds.), Chinese Legal Reform and the Global Legal Order: Adoption and Adaptation, p. 156-178. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018 [Link]


Li Yahong, Invalidation Judgement: Implications to the Reform of Short-Term Patent System and IP Court . In Liu, KC (Eds.), Annotated Leading Patent Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions, p. 69-82. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2017 [Link]


Li Yahong, Introduction - Patents, Innovation and “One Country, Two Patent Systems”. In Li, Y (Eds.), Patents and Innovation in Mainland China and Hong Kong : Two Systems in One Country Compared, p. 1-26. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017 [Link]


Zhao Yun, Cyber Law and China’s New Global Presence: Current Status and Further Development of E-commerce Law in China. In Lutz-Christian Wolff & Chao Xi (Eds.), Legal Dimensions of China's Belt and Road Initiative, p. 431-452. Hong Kong: Wolters & Kluwer, 2016 [Link]

Haochen Sun, The Ethical Responsibilities of Luxury Companies and Consumers. In Haochen Sun, Barton Beebe & Madhavi Sunder (Eds.), The Luxury Economy and Intellectual Property: Critical Reflections , p. 225-247. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015 [Link]

Anne Shann Yue Cheung & Zhao YunInternet Regulation. In Ashley Esarey & Randy Kluver (Eds.), The Internet in China: cultural, political, and social dimensions, 1980s-2000s, p. 91-98. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2015 [Link]

Zhao Yun, 域名纠纷的解决及其未来发展. In 彭文浩,牟宪魁主编, 比较视野下的公共纠纷解决与权利保障: 2015中英比较公法研讨会论文集, p. 41-47. 北京: 中国政法大学出版社有限责任公司, 2015

Law/Development/Society in China

Albert H.Y. Chen, The Chinese Tradition of Administrative Law. In Cane, P, Hofmann, HCH, Ip, E, et al. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Administrative Law. Oxford University Press, 2020 [Link}


Hualing Fu, China’s Imperatives for National Security Legislation. In Chan, C. and De Londras, F (Eds.), China’s National Security: Endangering Hong Kong’s Rule of Law?, p. 41-60. Chicago : Hart Publishing, 2020 [Link]


Hualing Fu, Mass disputes and China’s legal system. In Teresa Wright (ed.), Handbook of Protest and Resistance in China, p. 75-90. Elgar, 2019 [Link]


Hualing Fu, Lawyers for human rights protection: from legal aid to political lawyering. In Sarah Biddulph and Joshua Rosenzweig (eds), Handbook on Human Rights in China, p. 472-492. Elgar, 2019 [Link]


Hualing FuChina's Striking Anticorruption Adventure: A Political Journey Toward The Rule Of Law . In Weitseng Chen (Ed.), The Beijing Consensus? How China Has Changed Western Ideas Of Law And Economic Development, p. 249-273. Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2017 [Link]

Hualing Fu, Bringing Politics Back In: Access to Justice and Labour Dispute Resolution in China. In Sapio, F, Trevaskes, S, Biddulph, S, et al. (Eds.), Justice: The China Experience, p. 356-378. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017 [Link]

Shitong QiaoThe Evolution of Chinese Property Law: Stick by Stick?. In Chang, YC; Shen, W & Wang, WY (Eds.), Private Law in China and Taiwan: Legal and Economic Analyses, p. 182-211. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017 [Link]


Shitong Qiao & Frank Upham, China’s Changing Property Law Landscape. In Graziadei, M & Smith, L (Eds.), Comparative Propery Law: Global Perspectives, p. 311-332. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017 [Link]

Zhang Xianchu, A Question of Class Action in China. In Robin Hui Huang (ed.), Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law: China and the World, pp.123-137. Cambridge University Press, 2017 [Link]

Shitong Qiao, Small Property, Adverse Possession, and Optional Law. In Yun-chien Chang (Ed.), Law and Economics of Possession, p. 290-319. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015 [Link]


Hualing Fu, Wielding the sword: President Xi’s new anti-corruption campaign. In Rose-Ackerman, S & Lagunes, P (Eds.), Greed, Corruption, and the Modern State: Essays in Political Economy, p. 134-158. Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2015 [Link]


Gu Weixia, Courts in China: Judiciary in the Economic and Societal Transitions. In Yeh, JR & Chang, WC (Eds.), Asian Courts in Context, p. 487-527. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015 [Link]

John Gillespie & Hualing Fu, Resolving Land Disputes in East Asia: Exploring the Limits of Law What Does Wukan Offer? Land-Taking, Law, and Dispute Resolution. In Fu, H & Gillespie, J (Eds.), Resolving Land Disputes in East Asia: Exploring the Limits of Law, p. 3-36 Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2014 [Link]

Hualing Fu, Stability and Anticorruption Initiatives: Is There a Chinese Model. In Trevaskes, S ... (et al) (Eds.), The Politics of Law and Stability In China, p. 176-201. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2014 [Link]


Hualing FuAutonomy, courts and the politico-legal order in contemporary China. In Cao, L; Sun, IY; Hebenton, B (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Criminology, p. 76-88. New York, NY: Routledge, 2014 [Link]


Hualing Fu, What Does Wukan Offer? Land-Taking, Law, and Dispute Resolution. In Fu, H & Gillespie, J (Eds.), Resolving Land Disputes in East Asia: Exploring the Limits of Law, p. 173-193. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2014 [Link]

Legal History & Philosophy

Michael Ng, “欠”的公道:當19世纪香港華商遇上英式破產法. In 邱澎生 &何志辉, 明清法律與社會變遷. Beijing: Law Press, 2020


Michael Ng, 法治 . 戀殖. In 朱耀偉編, 香港關鍵詞:想像新未來, p. 77-88. 香港: 中文大學出版社, 2019

Michael Ng, Wilson Chow & Julienne Jen, Experientialization of Legal Education in Hong Kong: Adoption and Adaptation. In Legal Education in Asia – From Imitation to Innovation, Andrew Harding, Jiaxiang Hu and Maartje De Visser eds., Leiden: Brill, 2018


Michael Ng, Judicial Orientalism: Imaginaries of Chinese Legal Transplantation in Common Law. In Yun Zhao & Michael Ng (Eds.), Chinese Legal Reform and the Global Legal Order: Adoption and Adaptation, p. 211-237. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017

Michael Ng, Negotiating the Legitimacy of Governance In Civil Unrest and Governance in Hong Kong: Law and Order from Historical and Cultural Perspectives, Michael H.K. Ng and John D. Wong eds., New York, London: Routledge, 2017 

Michael Ng, Albert Chen & Christopher Munn, 殖民地時代香港的法制與司法. In 香港史新編, Wang Gungwu, ed., Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2016 


Zhao Yun & Michael Ng, The Law, China, and the World: An introduction. In Yun Zhao & Michael Ng (Eds.), Chinese Legal Reform and the Global Legal Order: Adoption and Adaptation, p. 1-12. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017

Albert H.Y. Chen, Constitutional change in Hong Kong and Taiwan in the late twentieth century: A comparative perspective. In Lo, CF ; Li, N & Lin, TY (Eds.), Legal Thoughts between the East and the West in the Multilevel Legal Order: A Liber Amicorum in Honour of Professor Herbert Han-Pao Ma, p. 105-125. Singapore: Springer, 2016 [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, Constitutions and values in three Chinese societies. In Davis, D; Richter, A & Saunders, C (Eds.), An Inquiry into the Existence of Global Values: Through the Lens of Comparative Constitutional Law, p. 119-154. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, 2015 [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, The Concept of 'Datong' in Chinese Philosophy as an Expression of the Idea of the Common Good. In Solomon, D & Lo, PC (Eds.), The Common Good: Chinese and American Perspectives, p. 85-102. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014 [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, 當代中國的政治憲法學話語. In 趙文宗, 許章潤 編著, 2013年世界華人法哲學大會文集 (修訂版), p. 18-46. 香港: 紅出版 (圓桌文化), 2014

Michael Ng & Wilson Chow, The First Standardized Client Initiative in Asia – University of Hong Kong’s Experience. In The Calling of Law: the pivotal role of vocational legal education, Karen Barton and Fiona Westwood eds., p.165-180. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2014 

Mediation & Arbitration

Shahla AliNew Frontiers in Hong Kong's Resolution of 'One Belt One Road' International Commercial and Investor-State Disputes. In Nottage, L., Ali, S., Jetin, B., and Teramura, N. (Eds.), New Frontiers In Asia-Pacific International Arbitration And Dispute Resolution. : Kluwer Law, 2020 [Link]


Shahla Ali, Expanding Asia-Pacific Frontiers for International Dispute Resolution: Conclusions and Recommendations. In Nottage, L, Ali, S, Jetin, B, et al. (Eds.), New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution. Wolters Kluwer, 2020 [Link]


Gu Weixia, Reflections on the Key Ingredients for Successful Reform of International Commercial Arbitration in the Asia Pacific. In Chen, L & Janssen, A (Eds.), Dispute Resolution in China, Europe and World, p. 131-152. Cham: Springer, 2020 [Link]

Gu Weixia, China: The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. In Reyes, A (Eds.), Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, p. 31-50. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2019 

Shahla Ali, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China: The Adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration in Hong Kong. In Bell, GF (Ed.), The UNCITRAL Model Law and Asian Arbitration Laws, p. 9-28. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018 [Link]

Shahla AliBalancing Procedural and Substantive Arbitration Reforms: Advancing International Arbitration Practice in Hong Kong. In Reyes, A & Gu, W (Eds.), The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific. Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing, 2018 [Link]

Shahla Ali, Adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law in Hong Kong. In Reyes, A and Gu, W (Eds.), The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific. UK: Hart Publishing, 2018 [Link]


Gu Weixia, Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Asia under the Belt and Road Initiative: Implications For International Governance And The Chinese Rule Of Law. In Zhao, Y (Eds.), International Governance and Rule of Law in China under the One Belt One Road Initiative, p. 277-294. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018 [Link]

Gu Weixia, Conclusion: An Asia Pacific Model of Arbitration Reform. In Reyes, A & Gu, W (Eds.), The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific, p. 279-300. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, 2018 [Link]

Gu Weixia, China's Arbitration Modernisation Under Judicial Efforts and Marketisation Waves. In Reyes, A & Gu, W (Eds.), The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific, p. 17-38. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, 2018

Gu Weixia, Introduction: Towards a Model of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific. In Reyes, A and Gu, W (Eds.), The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific, p. 1-16. Oxford and Portland, OR: Hart Publishing, 2018 [Link]

Hualing Fu, Mediation And The Rule Of Law: The Chinese Landscape. In Joachim Zekoll, Moritz Balz & Iwo Amelung (Eds.), Formalisation And Flexibilisation In Dispute Resolution, p. 108-129. Leiden: Brill, 2014 [Link]

Gu Weixia, People’s Republic of China. In Michael J. Moser (Eds.), Arbitration in Asia (2nd ed.), p. 1-52. New York, USA: Juris Publishing, 2014

Media Articles & Interview

Media Articles & Interview
Hong Kong National Security Law

Richard Cullen 

Protests or riots? First-hand retelling of Hong Kong’s ‘democracy’ struggle (Mar 31, 2021) [Link]

HK's new political realities after 2019 watershed year (Mar 10, 2021) [Link]

How Hong Kong became a focus at the two sessions (Mar 8, 2021) [Link]

How a managed riot flummoxed the media (Mar 7, 2021) [link]

Ruling on mask ban a reminder of centrality of public interest (Mar 1, 2021) [Link]

US is top threat to peace in the world (Feb 5, 2021) [Link]

Why is it insurrection in US and just protest in HK? (Jan 22, 2021) [Link]


Albert H.Y. Chen & Eric Cheung, All but one of 53 held under national security law released,  South China Morning Post, (9 Jan 2021) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen & Simon Young, Hong Kong national security law: four big questions raised by mass arrests of 53 opposition figures,  South China Morning Post, (9 Jan 2021) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, 律政司檢控須謹慎 倘判無罪政治後果難料 Ming Pao (8 Jan 2021) [Link]

Hualing Fu, Hong Kong starts new year with heightened crackdown on dissent, Nikkei Asia (5 Jan 2021) [Link]

Hualing Fu, 法例生效半年 稱社會問題長遠繫於45條 傅華伶:國安法不治本 矛盾多未解, Ming Pao (28 Dec 2020) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, 【國家憲法日】憲法及其歷史淺說特區情況, 香港商報 (4 Dec 2020) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, 陳弘毅:人大《決定》明確界定4種不擁護《基本法》不效忠特區情況, Ming Pao (13 Nov 2020) [Link]

Hualing Fu, 政治問題,法律解決?為何市民會覺得判決不公?專訪:香港大學法律學院院長傅華伶, Ming Pao (15 Oct 2020) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, 陳弘毅:兩制實施出問題 國安法未必能解, Ming Pao (14 Sep 2020) [Link]

Hualing Fu, Relationship Between Hong Kong's Basic Law and the National Security Law, HKU Legal Scholarship Blog [Link]

Richard Cullen, Hong Kong people will see they need not fear National Security Law, China Daily (22 Jul 2020) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, 「國安法」與香港前景,  Ming Pao (22 Jun 2020 [Link]

Hualing Fu, 國安法達人傅華伶 依靠法庭解決政治問題 整個社會付代價, Ming Pao (3 May 2020)  [Link]

Hong Kong Law

Albert H.Y. Chen, 選舉制度完善之後 香港更有條件邁向"雙普選", 直新聞 (2 Apr 2021) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, Senior state official Xia Baolong joins Shenzhen seminar to hear views on Hong Kong electoral reforms as part of push for ‘patriots governing city’, South China Morning Post (28 Feb 2021) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, Legal scholars warn vague wording in Hong Kong bill would grant authorities broad powers to disqualify officials, quash dissent, South China Morning Post (25 Feb 2021) [Link]

Hualing Fu, 【司法改革.二】如何令法律研究善用本港優勢 告別「狗尾續貂」, HK01 (12 Jan 2021) [Link]

Hualing Fu, 【司法改革.一】如何令普通法與「一國兩制」相適應?, HK01 (12 Jan 2021) [Link]

Hualing Fu, 「司法改革」成為敏感詞 如何令普通法與「一國兩制」相適應?, HK01 (11 Jan 2021) [Link]

Hualing Fu, 教資會評核標準不合時宜 盲目追逐國際化乃香港法學困局, HK01 (11 Jan 2021) [Link]

Richard Cullen, Is HK's judiciary sleepwalking to the year 2047 and beyond? (4 Nov 2020) [Link]

Richard Cullen, Lessons from Singapore apply to HKSAR (14 Aug 2020) [Link]

Richard Cullen, Extraordinary challenges call for extraordinary ways (4 Aug 2020) [Link]

Richard Cullen, Lessons from Singapore apply to HKSAR (4 Nov 2020) [Link]

Frank He. 話語的交鋒, Ming Pao (14 Jan 2020) [Link]


Frank He, 「傷害」是客觀的?, Ming Pao (24 Dec 2019) [Link]

Frank He, 程序正義的重要性, Ming Pao (17 Dec 2019) [Link]

Frank He, 私了:私而不了, Ming Pao (10 Dec 2019) [Link]

Frank He, 以眼還眼的回應型社會規制, Ming Pao (3 Dec 2019) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, 一國兩制的博弈 (The Game of One Country Two Systems), Ming Pao (9 Aug 2019) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, A Perfect Storm: How the Proposed Law on Hong Kong-Mainland China Rendition was Aborted, Verfassungsblog (19 Jun 2019) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, 理性溝通的困境(The Dilemma of Rational Communication), Ming Pao (2 Aug 2019) [Link]

Christine Loh & Richard CullenHong Kong in China: Rethinking the Hong Kong-Mainland Relationship , IPP Review (7 Jan 2019) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen, A Comment on the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019, HKU Legal Scholarship Blog (3 May 2019) [Link]

Hualing Fu, Hong Kong Must Walk a Tightrope between its Desire for Freedom and Beijing's National Security Concerns, South China Morning Post (12 Oct 2018) [Link]

Christine Loh & Richard Cullen (2018) Progress in Hong Kong has to be Built on Loyalty to China, South China Morning Post (1 Oct 2018) [Link]

Richard Cullen, Tight-fisted Historical Land Policy had a PointChina Daily (25 Jun 2018) [Link]

Richard Cullen, Criminal Justice System Works, Keep it that WayChina Daily (14 Jun 2018) [Link]


Richard Cullen, Filibustering: Flawed in Principle and Bad for Hong Kong, IPP Review (09 Mar 2018) [Link]


Richard CullenOpponents of co-location ignore 'living law' modelChina Daily (02 Feb 2018) [Link]

Richard Cullen, Hong Kong could apply national anthem law retrospectively, but should It?,  South China Morning Post (1 Nov 2017) [Link]

Richard Cullen (commented,2017) The Credibility of Far East Political Reporting, IPP Review (24 Oct 2017) [Link]


Albert H.Y. Chen (interviewed, 2017) 持平理性務實面對一地兩檢法律問題 (Looking at the legal issues in the checkpoint ‘co-location’ plan impartially, rationally and practically),明報 (Ming Pao) (1 Aug 2017) [Link]

Hualing FuGuide to Legislative Interpretation in China, HKU Legal Scholarship Blog (19 Jul 2017) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen (commented, 2017) 應考慮從寬處理宣誓案判決的影響, 明報 (Ming Pao) (18 July 2017) [Link]


Hualing Fu (commented, 2017) What does Xi Jinping intend for Hong Kong?, ChinaFile (4 Jul 2017) [Link]


Albert H.Y. Chen (interviewed, 2016) Hong Kong courts can decide fate of at least 10 lawmakers despite Beijing ruling, South China Morning Post (11 Nov 2016) [Link]

Albert H.Y. Chen (interviewed, 2016) Call to defer oath of pro-independence duo until court ruling, China Daily (25 Oct 2016) [Link]


Yahong Li (interviewed, 2017) China’s patent linkage system fosters innovation, keeps generic makers in fold S&P Global Market Intelligence (24 May 2017) [Link]

Yahong Li (interviewed, 2017) 二創如何定界限? 5個關鍵看完谷阿莫案 , 明報 (Ming Pao) (5 May 2017) [Link]

Haochen Sun (interviewed, 2017) The day of Trump toilets and condoms in China may have just ended. Here’s why that’s controversial, Los Angeles Times (6 Mar 2017) [Link]

Yahong Li (interviewed,2017) Chinese company calls French sneaker firm ‘robbers’ for making Feiyue trainers , South China Morning Post (24 Feb 2017) [Link]

Law/Development/Society in China
Angela Zhang, How an Evergrande Collapse Would Cascade Through China, Bloomberg, (1 Nov 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, China Joins Push to Rein In Tech, The Wall Street Journal (25 Jan 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, Inside China Tech: China's central bank defines monopoly amid antitrust curb of fintech market, South China Morning Post, (23 Jan 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, Alipay and WeChat Pay's monopoly status unclear in new regulation, South China Morning Post, (22 Jan 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, Do fintech giants Alipay and WeChat Pay have monopoly power? China's new regulation leaves experts guessing, South China Morning Post, (21 Jan 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, China's crackdown on Alibaba goes beyond teaching Jack Ma a lesson, NEWS BREAK, (20 Jan 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, Pinduoduo worker deaths reignite debate on 996 and the dark side of China tech's overwork culture, South China Morning Post, (19 Jan 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, Trump's Last Days Bring Fresh Turmoil to US-China Relations, Bloomberg (13 Jan 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, Jack Ma's absence raises questions over Ant's future, The Straits Times (10 Jan 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, Alibaba antitrust probe presents new challenges for China’s regulators 12 years after implementation of anti-monopoly law, South China Morning Post, (7 Jan 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, Jack Ma was almost bigger than China. That's what got him into trouble, CNN, (6 Jan 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, In China, Behave or Face a Campaign, Financial Review, (6 Jan 2021) [Link]
Angela Zhang, China's mighty state monopolies cast a big shadow over private enterprise, but will antitrust law and vows of reform level playing field?, South China Morning Post, (5 Jan 2021) [Link]

Angela Zhang, China tightens fence over its tech giants to ensure its loyalty, DIGIS MAK (2 Jan 2021) [Link]

Angela Zhang, Should China wield antitrust laws to counter US attacks on Huawei amid global tech competition?, South China Morning Post, (26 May 2020) [Link]

Angela ZhangChina’s antitrust push won’t bring an ‘explosion of cases’ against online companies, professor says [Link]

Hualing Fu, Power to Detain in a Dual State Structure, Made in China (Vol 4:3, 25 Oct 2019)) [Link]

Richard Cullen, A Conspicuous Innovation in Chinese Jurisprudence: the Advisory Interpretation, IPP Review (28 May 2019) [Link]

Clement Chen, A Déjà Vu? The Social Credit System and fajia (Legalism), Verfassungsblog (28 Jun 2019) [Link]

Hualing Fu, Court in China reduces sentence for man who killed debt collector, The New York Times (23 Jun 2017) [Link]

Hualing Fu, Ideological purge hits China universities with western ties, Financial Times (25 Apr 2017) [Link]

Hualing Fu, China corruption prosecutions drop for first time in five years, Financial Times (25 Jan 2017) [Link]

Space Law

Zhao Yun  (interviewed, 2020) Legal Implications of China's Space and Moon Missions, HKU Legal Scholarship Blog (22 December 2020) [Link]

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