The US-China Trade Negotiation: A Contract Theory Perspective
Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law

Michael Ng
Political Censorship in British Hong Kong
Freedom of Expression and the Law (1842–1997)
(Cambridge University Press, August 2022)


Michael Ng & Kevin Tan
Constitutional Foundings in Northeast Asia
(Hart Publishing, December 2021)

Weixia Gu
Multi-Tier Approaches to the Resolution of International Disputes: A Global and Comparative Study
(Cambridge University Press, December 2021)

Shahla Ali
Forming Transnational Dispute Settlement Norms : Soft Law and the Role of UNCITRAL's Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific
(Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2021)

Xin He
Divorce in China: Institutional Constraints and Gendered Outcomes
(NYU Press 2021)

Albert H.Y. Chen
The Changing Legal Orders in Hong Kong and Mainland China: Essays on “One Country, Two Systems”
(City University of Hong Kong Press 2021)

James D. Fry, BE Michael & N Pushkarna
The Values of International Organizations
(Manchester University Press 2021)

Angela Zhang
Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism: How The Rise of China Challenges Global Regulation
(Oxford University Press 2021)

Weixia Gu
Dispute Resolution in China: Litigation, Arbitration, Mediation and their Interactions
(Routledge, 2021)

Edited by Shyamkrishna Balganesh, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Ng-Loy Wee Loon, National University of Singapore School of Law, Haochen Sun, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law
The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright Limitations and Exceptions
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Shahla Ali, Nottage, L, Jetin, B, et al.
New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
(Kluwer Law International. 2020)

W Chen & Hualing Fu (Eds.)
Authoritarian Legality in Asia: Formation, Development and Transition
(Cambridge University Press 2020)

Bantekas, I., Ortolani, P., Ali, S., Gomez, M., & Polkinghorne, M., et al.
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: A Commentary
(Cambridge University Press, March 2020)

Richard Cullen
Hong Kong Constitutionalism: The British Legacy and the Chinese Future
(Routledge, February 2020)

Fu Hualing, Michael Palmer & Zhang Xianchu (Eds.)
Transparency Challenges Facing China
(Wildy, Simmons & Hill Publishing, 2019)
Shahla Ali
Court Mediation Reform: Efficiency, Confidence and Perceptions of Justice
(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018)

Albert Chen & Andrew Harding (Eds.)
Constitutional Courts in Asia: A Comparative Perspective
(Cambrdige University Press, 2018)

Christine Loh & Richard Cullen
No Third Person: Rewriting the Hong Kong Story
(Abbreviated Press, 2018)

Hualing Fu, John Gillespie, Pip Nicholson, & William Edmund Partlett (Eds.)
Socialist Law in Socialist East Asia
(Cambridge University Press, 2018)

Anselmo Reyes & Weixia Gu (Eds.)
The Developing World of Arbitration - A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific
(Hart Publishing, 2018)

Yun Zhao (Ed.)
International Governance and the Rule of Law in China under the Belt and Road Initiative
(Cambridge University Press 2018)
He Xin & Ng Kwai Hang (Eds.)
Embedded Courts: Judicial Decision-Making in China
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)

Yun Zhao & Michael Ng (Eds.)
Chinese Legal Reform and the Global Legal Order: Adoption and Adaptation
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)

Michael Ng & John Wong (Eds.)
Civil Unrest and Governance in Hong Kong
Law and Order from Historical and Cultural Perspectives
(Routledge 2017)

Yahong Li (Ed.)
Patents and Innovation in Mainland China and Hong Kong
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)


Shahla Ali
Governing Disasters: Engaging Local Populations in Humanitarian Relief
(Cambridge University Press, 2016)

Humphrey Ko
The Making of the Modern Chinese State: Cement, Legal Personality and Industry
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2016)


Haochen Sun, B Beebe & M Sunder (Eds.)
The Luxury Economy and Intellectual Property: Critical Reflections
(Oxford University Press. 2015)


Michael Ng
Legal Transplantation in Early Twentieth-Century China: Practicing law in Republican Beijing
(Routledge, 2014)

Albert Chen (Ed.)
Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-First Century
(Cambridge University Press, 2014)

Hualing Fu & John Gillespie (Eds.)
Resolving Land Disputes in East Asia: Exploring the Limits of Law
(Cambridge University Press, 2014)


Weixia Gu
Arbitration In China: Regulation of Arbitration Agreements and Practical Issues
(Sweet and Maxwell, 2012)

Jean-Philippe Béja, Fu Hualing & Eva Pils (Eds.)
Liu Xiaobo, Charter 08 and the Challenges of Political Reform in China
(Hong Kong University Press, 2012)



Space Commercialization and the Development of Space Law from a Chinese Legal Perspective
(Nova Science Publishers, 2009)