The US-China Trade Negotiation: A Contract Theory Perspective
Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law
Regulating Generative AI Talk Series
Since 2022, large-scale generative artificial intelligence has taken the global market by storm, revolutionizing industries and transforming people’s lives. However, the proliferation of AI has also spawned intricate legal, ethical, and regulatory challenges. China, a leading player in AI, is actively working towards a robust AI governance and oversight framework through targeted regulatory measures, actionable standards, and the drafting of a comprehensive AI bill. Meanwhile, the varying regulatory approaches among countries add another layer of complexity to achieving responsible and sustainable AI development.
Against this backdrop, the Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law is set to host the “Regulating Generative Artificial Intelligence” talk series in fall 2023. This talk series will feature renowned experts and scholars from China and abroad to explore vital topics such as content moderation, data security, intellectual property protection, and AI ethics. With the majority of the talks being held online, the series aims to foster a constructive dialogue on the essential challenges and solutions surrounding AI, inspiring collaborative innovation in global AI regulation. Stay tuned for our upcoming schedule—we warmly welcome your participation!
自2022年以來,基於大模型的生成式人工智能在全球範圍內掀起了新的應用浪潮,為各行各業帶來了巨大的發展機遇。 然而,人工智能的普及也引發了一系列法律、道德風險以及有效監管的難題。 作為人工智能領域的強國,中國正積極構建其人工智能治理監管體系,近年來發佈了一系列針對算法與人工智能服務的規制措施,並出台了相應的配套標準和細則,目前更是計劃起草一部全面的人工智能法案。 與此同時,各國政府對於人工智能監管的態度不一,不同國家的策略差異也使得人工智能持續健康發展面臨諸多挑戰。
在這一背景下,香港大學法律學院黄乾亨中國法研究中心將於2023年秋季學期舉辦以“生成式人工智能監管”為主題的系列講座。 中心將邀請國內外知名專家與學者,圍繞內容監管、數據安全、知識產權、科技倫理等重要議題展開深入討論。 講座主要以線上方式進行,旨在共同探討人工智能監管的關鍵問題及其解決方案,促進全球人工智能監管的協同創新。 敬請關注以下講座安排,期待您的參與!

會議主持人: 張湖月, 香港大學法律學院黃乾亨中國法研究中心主任
Chair & Moderator: Angela Zhang, Director of the Philip K. H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law
Content Moderation 内容監管
This talk will analyze the past and present of China’s Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services through the lens of international comparative law. Furthermore, it will explore the central aspects of supervision and the trajectory of regulatory oversight.
Sep 27, 2023(Wednesday)20:00 – 21:00
2023年9⽉27⽇(星期三)20:00 – 21:00
線上舉行 Zoom (普通話)
Speaker: Yanqing Hong, Beijing Institute of Technology
講者: 洪延青, 北京理工大學院聘教授
Discussant: Peng Zhang, Digital Economy and Legal Innovation Research Center of the University of International Business and Economics
與談人: 張鵬, 對外經貿大學數字經濟與法律創新研究中心
Data Compliance 數據合規
作為生成式人工智能底座的超大模型離不開海量數據的餵養和驅動。 隨著各國生成式人工智能監管政策法規陸續出台,數據權利主體已多有提起侵權之訴,有關生成式人工智能數據處理的法律問題日益成為理論界和實務界關注的焦點。 本講座將基於對數據權屬、智識產權、數據安全以及生成式人工智能監管制度的研究,梳理生成式人工智能數據獲取、清洗、標註等各處理環節,分析相關政策法規與典型案例,討論世界各國尤其是中國的制度考量與走向。
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) models rely heavily on the extensive collection and processing of massive data sets. As numerous countries enact regulatory policies and laws governing generative AI, data rights holders are increasingly filing infringement lawsuits. Consequently, legal matters surrounding generative AI data processing have garnered increased attention from both theoretical and practical perspectives. This talk, drawing from research on data ownership, intellectual property rights, data security, and generative AI regulatory frameworks, will examine the various stages of generative AI processing, such as data acquisition, cleaning, and labeling. Additionally, it will provide an analysis of relevant policies, regulations, and notable cases while discussing the institutional considerations and trends in multiple countries, with a particular emphasis on China.
Oct 19, 2023(Thursday)20:00 – 21:00
2023年10⽉19⽇(星期四)20:00 – 21:00
線上舉行 Zoom (普通話)
Speaker: Linghan Zhang, Institute of Data Law, China University of Political Science and Law
講者: 張凌寒, 中國政法大學數據法治研究院教授
Discussant: Quanquan Xu, Head of AI Legal Compliance, Baidu Group
與談人: 徐全全, 百度集團人工智能業務法務合規負責人

Intellectual Property 知識產權
AIGC技術實現了從“複製”到“創造”的跨越,為現有創作模式帶來了顛覆性的變革。 在知識產權制度語境下,如何回應AIGC的發展和應用已成為監管和行業關注的重要議題。 本講座將立足中國法律制度,並借鑒比較法視角,探討利用現有作品進行演算法模型訓練是否屬於 “合理使用”,同時分析用戶輸入內容可否用於算法模型優化的現實挑戰。 此外,本講座還將全面剖析AIGC的可版權性、權屬劃分、知識產權侵權風險及責任承擔等問題。 最後,本講座將探索在創作激勵背景下實現價值平衡的進路。
Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) technologies have made the leap from “imitation” to “innovation,” leading to significant changes in traditional creative processes. Responding to the growth and application of AIGC within the intellectual property framework has become a pressing concern for regulators and industry professionals. Building on the Chinese legal system and comparative law insights, this talk will examine "fair use" regarding the utilization of existing works for algorithm model training, while addressing the practical challenges of using user input for model optimization. Furthermore, the talk will provide an in-depth analysis of AIGC-related issues, such as copyrightability, ownership design and allocation, as well as intellectual property infringement risks and liability. Finally, strategies for striking a balance among creative incentives will be explored.
Nov 1, 2023(Wednesday)20:00 – 21:00
2023年11⽉1⽇(星期三)20:00 – 21:00
線上舉行 Zoom (普通話)
Speaker: Jihong Chen, Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm
講者: 陳際紅, 中倫律師事務所合夥人
Discussant: Kaixin Zhu, Senior Researcher, Tencent Research Institute
與談人: 朱開鑫, 騰訊研究院高級研究員
Watch previous video: Please click HERE
Ethical Challenges and Governance Responses 生成式人工智能的倫理挑戰及治理應對
2023年以來,隨著生成式人工智能的持續創新,人工智能迎來發展的「黃金時代」,正如有專家指出,人工智能將從根本上改變地球上每個人、每個組織和每個行業的生產力。 為了確保人工智能持續造福於經濟社會發展,讓人工智能時代成為一個負責任創新的時代,重視人工智能倫理和治理並推動落地將愈發重要,尤其是需要從技術工程和治理上推動實現AI價值對齊,這不僅是大模型的必由之路,而且關乎人工智能的未來。
Since 2023, the unceasing innovation of generative AI has signaled the onset of a "golden age" in AI development. As numerous experts have underscored, AI is set to revolutionize the productive capacity of every individual, organization, and industry across the globe. To ensure that AI consistently fosters economic and social progress while cultivating an era of responsible innovation, it is crucial to place greater emphasis on the ethical dimensions and governance of AI, promoting its responsible implementation. Specifically, the alignment of AI values should be achieved through a combination of technical engineering and governance strategies. This approach is not only essential for large-scale models but also holds a critical bearing on the future of AI.
Nov 24, 2023(Friday)20:00 – 21:00
2023年11⽉24⽇(星期五)20:00 – 21:00
線上舉行 Zoom (普通話)
Speaker: Jianfeng Cao, Senior Researcher, Tencent Research Institute
講者: 曹建峰, 騰訊研究院高級研究員
Discussant: Weiwen Duan, Director & Professor, Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
與談人: 段偉文, 中國社會科學院哲學所科技哲學研究室主任、教授
Watch previous video: Please click HERE

On the Right to A human Decision
The spectacular development of AI-based technologies raises the question whether the encroachment of these technologies upon our lives should be constrained in various ways. Among the more normatively powerful and rhetorically resonant forms of constraint is the kind established by individual rights, especially human rights. And there has been an important discussion underway for some time now as to whether new developments in AI and digital technologies generally require that we re-conceive our understanding of human rights in various ways. In this talk, Professor Tasioulas focuses on one potential reconception: that the rise of AI justifies the recognition of a right to a human decision which requires, among other things, that certain types of decisions are made by humans and not AI systems. The broad idea of such a right is not purely a matter of philosophical speculation, but an emergent political and legal reality. Article 22 of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation sets out a qualified ‘right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing’. Meanwhile, in October last year the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy published a Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights which includes the guideline that people should be able to “opt out from automated systems in favour of a human alternative, where appropriate”. Professor Tasioulas will sketch a moral case for the existence of a right to a human decision, discussing its form, content and justification. He also addresses two kinds of scepticism about the existence of such a right — scepticism about new human rights generally, and scepticism about the putative right to a human decision on the grounds of redundancy.
Dec 12, 2023(Tuesday)12:00 – 13:00
Venue: Academic Conference Room, 11/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, HKU (Conduct in English) (In-person only)
Speaker: John Tasioulas, Director, Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford
Discussant: Brian Wong, Assistant Professor in Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong