The US-China Trade Negotiation: A Contract Theory Perspective
Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law
International Speaker Series 2022-2023
In Fall 2022, the Philip K. H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law will invite scholars from multiple jurisdictions to give interactive virtual talks on their new publications. This International Speaker Series covers four illuminating books that contribute new perspectives to help us better understand the past, present, and future of Chinese and global politics, economy, technology, and law. The speakers will offer insights on how to make sense of the complex relationship between tech companies and innovation, the multifaceted impact of China’s overseas development program, the critical role of controlling microchip technology, and the dynamic interaction between Hong Kong’s freedoms and geopolitics. Anyone with a keen interest in China is most welcome to join us!

How Big-Tech Barons Smash Innovation―and How to Strike Back
Date & Time: September 8, 2022 (Thursday) 20:30-21:30
Speaker: Professor Ariel Ezrachi, University of Oxford
Professor Maurice Stucke, University of Tennessee
Discussant: Kelvin Kwok, University of Hong Kong
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This book deconstructs the drivers and inhibitors to innovation in the digital economy, explains how large tech companies can stifle rather than promote disruptive innovation, assesses the toll of their technologies on our well-being and democracy, and outlines policy changes to take power away from big tech and return it to entrepreneurs.
Banking on Beijing: The Aims and Impacts of China's Overseas Development Program

This book provides a treasure trove of new findings about the aims and impacts of China’s overseas development program, synthesizing the results of a ten-year, interdisciplinary research collaboration between scholars in multiple jurisdictions. These findings help debunk popular myths about Beijing’s transnational investments and infrastructure projects, which indeed generate major economic benefits but not without significant risks.

Date & Time: September 29, 2022 (Thursday) 20:30-21:30
Speaker: Dr. Austin Strange, University of Hong Kong
Discussant: Dr. Meg Rithmire, Harvard Business School
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Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology
This book offers an epic account of the decades-long battle to control what has emerged as the world’s most critical resource — microchip technology — with the United States and China increasingly in conflict. For now the US has let key components of the chip-building process slip out of its grasp, contributing to a worldwide chip shortage and a new Cold War with a superpower adversary desperate to bridge the gap.

Date & Time: October 27, 2022 (Thursday) 20:00-21:00
Speaker: Dr. Christopher Miller, Tufts University
Discussant: Paul Triolo, Albright Stonebridge Group
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Political Censorship in British Hong Kong: Freedom of Expression and the Law (1842–1997)

Drawing on archival materials, this book challenges the widely accepted narrative that freedom of expression in Hong Kong is a legacy of British rule of law, demonstrates that the media and schools were pervasively censored for much of the colonial period and only liberated at a very late stage of British rule, and reveals that the free press, freedom of speech, and judicial independence are all products of Britain’s China strategy.
許多人認為, 香港的言論自由是英式法治的遺產; 自1990年代末以來, 香港更被認為是倡導言論自由的城市。本書廣泛而深入地分析各種史料, 質疑這一老生常談, 對於英國在香港的法律制度提出新的詮釋。作者指出, 直到港英殖民末期之前, 香港的傳媒和學校, 一直被港府嚴厲政治審查與監控。香港的言論自由和司法獨立的變化, 與英國的對華政策密切相關。二百年來, 香港的法制歷史深受中外關係的影響, 全球政治大勢風雲詭譎, 香港的言論自由也隨之消長變化。

Date & Time: November 28, 2022 (Monday) 16:00-17:00
(Language: Cantonese) 講座以廣東話進行
Speaker: Dr. Michael Ng, University of Hong Kong
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