The US-China Trade Negotiation: A Contract Theory Perspective
Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law

Empirical studies of the Chinese legal system have proliferated in recent decades. This trend has only been accelerated by greater generation of data on the one hand and methodological innovations in the social sciences on the other. Empirical legal research promises to enrich our understanding of legal phenomenon and to furnish a knowledge base for debating legal doctrine and theory. But the apparent objectivity of numbers can also mislead those unfamiliar with the assumptions and extrapolations underlying many of the conclusions drawn from quantitative research.
To foster critical and constructive discussion about this emerging field, the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law will host a conference on " The Empirical Turn in Chinese Legal Research: Challenges, Strategies, and Solutions" to be held in-person at the University’s Centennial Campus on 9 and 10 January 2023. Anyone with a keen interest is most welcome to join us!
Empirical Turn in Chinese Legal Research - Challenges, Strategies, and Solutions
Date: 9 - 10 January 2023
Format: *Hybrid-mode - Online participation is available*
Registration Deadline: 7 January 2023 17:00 (HKT)

Click to register
Programme Agenda
Monday, January 9, 2023 (Hong Kong Time)
Academic Conference Room, 11/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Philip K.H. Wong Theatre, 2/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
08:50 – 08:55
Welcoming Remarks
Hualing Fu
Warren Chan Professor in Human Rights and Responsibilities, Dean, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
09:00 – 10:30
Parallel Session One: Empiricism in Chinese Legal Research
Introduction to Empirical Methods
The State of the Field
Zhiyu LI
Durham Law School
Observational Studies
Lauren Yu-Hsin LIN
City University of Hong Kong
Interview and Case Studies
Xin HE
University of Hong Kong
Empirical Legal Research Based on China's Judgment Documents Still on the Upward Way
Zhejiang University
On the Impact of Intelligent Algorithms on Empirical Research—Research on the “Zhejiang Smart Justice”
Yandong GAO
Qionghui ZHANG
Zhejiang University
Empirical Research on "Empirical Legal Research in China": Current Situation, Challenges and Improvements
Xujiang ZHENG
Pengfei WANG
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
09:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
Parallel Session Two: Empirical Studies
The Logic of Authoritarian Judicial Review: How Chinese Courts Handle Citizens' Administrative Lawsuits Against the Police
Yutian AN
Princeton University
Recognition and Resolution of Differences in Application of Law to the Identification of Overage Laborers’ Labor Relationship—Full-sample Analysis and Deep Learning Based on 1851 Judgments
Nanfei GU
Runliang NIU
Jilin University
The Silent Influence of the Guiding Cases
Benjamin CHEN
University of Hong Kong
An Empirical Study on Enhancing Guarantees to Improve Judges' Willingness to Stay
Changming HU
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
10:45 – 12:45
What Motivates the Diffusion of Judicial Organizations? A Event History Analysis on 294 Environment Courts in China
Yuanyuan ZHANG
Tsinghua University
Syracuse University
Does Regulation of Defensive Tactics with Mandatory Rules Benefit Shareholders? Evidence from Event Studies in China
James ZENG
Chinese University of Hong Kong
11:45 – 12:45
10:45 – 11:45
Event Studies
Courts and Judicial Decision-making
Crime and Punishment
Pan-moralism, Retributionalism, and Heavy-Penaltyism: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Chinese Youth’s Legal Consciousness
City University of Hong Kong
Mengliang DAI
Macau University of Science and Technology
An Empirical Study on the Harmless Error Doctrine in Taiwan
Mao-hong LIN
National Taipei University
12:45 – 14:00
Lunch Break
Plenary Session One: Legal Documents as Data
14:00 – 15:45
How to Measure Institutional Agency and Procedural Justice in Court Decisions?
Leiden University
Leiden University
University of Tübingen
Corpus Linguistics: A Novel Approach to Empirical Legal Research
Xiaoqin HE
Wuhan University
Managing Transparency in China's Courts
Benjamin LIEBMAN
Columbia Law School
Plenary Session Two: Data and Sampling
16:00 – 17:45
Monopoly and Fragmentation: Data Collection in Chinese Legal Studies
Qin MA
University of California, Los Angeles
Estimating Caseload and Transparency of the Chinese Courts
Zhuang LIU
The University of Hong Kong
Tradeoff between “Big Data” and “Small Data": A Simulation Study on the Application of Sampling Technique in Empirical Legal Research
Yiwei XIA
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 (Hong Kong Time)
Academic Conference Room, 11/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Plenary Session Three: Fallacies and Fixes
09:00 – 10:45
Fashion and Fallacies: An Empirical Study of “Empirical Legal Studies” in Mainland China
Jinhua CHENG
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Bad Controls in Chinese Empirical Legal Studies
Benjamin CHEN
Xiaohan YIN
The University of Hong Kong
Augmenting Serialized Bureaucratic Data: The Case of Chinese Courts
Xiaohan WU
University of California, San Diego
10:45 – 11:00
Plenary Session Four: The Limitations of Quantitative Empiricism
11:00 – 12:40
Problems and Misunderstandings in Legal Empirical Research in China: Taking Papers Related to Judgment Documents as an Example
Zeyang YU
Jilin University
The Application and Limitations of Quantitative Methods in the Assessment of Administration of Justice in China
Hongqi WU
Peking University
How to do Empirical Legal Studies Without Numbers
Sida LIU
The University of Hong Kong
Sitao LI
University of Toronto
12:40 – 12:45
Closing Remarks
Angela ZHANG
Director, Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law
Full programme is also available HERE.