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Governance and Law in a Digital Society 


             Date: April 24, 2023 (Monday) 12:00 – 13:00 HKT

             Venue: Academic Conference Room, 11/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, The University of Hong Kong 

                       (Live via Zoom)

             Language: Putonghua


從2023年4月開始,黃乾亨中國法研究中心將舉辦“中國大陸傑出學者系列”講座活動。 本次講座中,演講者將以物聯網、⼤數據、⼈⼯智能以及元宇宙等構成的⼈類數字化⽣存狀態為背景,分析經濟與社會正在經歷的深刻變化及其對現代國家治理⽅式和法律的深刻影響。所謂個⼈主權、分布式⾃治組織、社區規則重構秩序基礎,這⼀切新現象都指向制度範式⾰命的必要性。在虛實相⽣的條件下,數字的(digital)關係與模拟的(analogue)法律究竟應該如何定位和重構,已然成為法學、政治學以及社會學的⼀個重要的研究課題。⽽處於⾵險社會與數字國家的夾縫裡,中國內地和⾹港的雙重結構能否形成某種開閉⾃如的“⾛廊式制度”,從⽽有效銜接鏈上加密資產⽣態圈與鏈下國家主權管轄區,更值得今後關注和深⼊探討。


The Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law is proud to introduce the Distinguished Mainland China Scholars Series featuring renowned legal scholars from top Chinese universities this semester. Our first webinar in this series will explore how our lives are becoming increasingly digitized through our interactions with artificial intelligence, the internet of things, Big Data and the Metaverse. The blurred boundaries between virtuality and reality have shone light on the need to rebuild the relationship between the digital and the analogue. Join us to learn about new phenomena such as "individual sovereignty", "distributed autonomous organizations" and the "reconstruction of the basis of order by community rules" and their implications for law, politics and sociology. Our speakers, leading academics from Mainland China, will discuss the necessary revolution in institutional paradigms and how China's dual structure that includes the Mainland and Hong Kong can form a "corridor mechanism" to connect the ecosystem of encrypted assets with the jurisdiction of sovereign states. Don't miss out on this opportunity to delve into this exciting and relevant topic.




季衛東,上海交通⼤學⽂科資深教授兼校務委員會委員、中國法與社會研究院院⻑、⼈⼯智能治理與法律研究中⼼主任。兼任上海市法學會法社會學研究會會⻑、國際學術期刊Asian Journal of Law and Society 共同主編、中國計算機協會(CCF)計算法學分會會⻑、上海國家新⼀代⼈⼯智能發展創新試驗區專家諮詢委員會顧問、中國數字經濟50⼈論壇成員、中華司法研究會常務理事、亞洲科技促進可持續發展聯盟副主席。 北京⼤學法律學系畢業、京都⼤學法學博⼠,原上海交通⼤學法學院院⻑(2008-2018)、⽇本神戶⼤學法學院教授(1996-2008)。 主要研究領域為法社會學、⽐較法學、數字法學。 主要中⽂著作有《法治秩序的建構》(商務出版社)、《憲政新論》(北京⼤學出版社)、《法律程序的意義》(中國法制出版社)、《⼤變局下的中國法治》(北京⼤學出版社)、《通往法治的道路--社會的多元化與權威體系》(法律出版社)、《AI時代的法制變遷》(編著,三聯出版社)、《法的跨界——規範、事實以及學科的交叉》(法律出版社)、《 元宇宙的秩序——虛擬⼈、加密資產以及法治創新》(上海⼈⺠出版社即出) 等。



Weidong Ji, Senior Professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Member of the University Council, President of the China institute for Socio-Legal Studies, Director of the Artificial Intelligence Governance and Legal Research Center. He also served as Chairman of the Shanghai Law & Sociology Research Association, Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Journal of Law and Society, Chairman of the Computing Law Branch of the China Computer Federation (CCF), Consultant of the Expert Advisory Committee of the National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development and Innovation Pilot Zone in Shanghai, Member of China Digital Economy 50 People Forum, Executive Director of China Judicial Research Association, and Vice Chairman of  the Technology for Sustainable Development Goals Alliance for Asia. Professor Ji graduated from Peking University Law School and obtained his Ph.D. at Kyoto University. He was Dean of KoGuan School of Law of Shanghai Jiaotong University (2008-2018) and was once a professor at Kobe University School of Law (1996-2008). His research interests cover sociology of law, comparative law, and digital jurisprudence. His works in Chinese include “Construction of Legal Order”, “New Theory of Constitutional Governance”, “Significance of Legal Procedures”, “China’s Rule of Law in the Profound Transformation”, “Road to the Rule of Law: Social Diversity and Authoritarian System”, “Legal Changes in the AI Era”, “Crossover of Law: Norms, Facts, and Intersection of Disciplines”, “Metaverse Order: Virtual Humans, Encrypted Assets, and Innovation in the Rule of Law”, etc.






Sida Liu is Professor at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law. He also holds a courtesy appointment in the Department of Sociology. Professor Liu’s research interests include sociology of law, Chinese law and society, criminal justice and human rights, law and globalization, and sociolegal theory. He has conducted extensive empirical research on various aspects of China’s legal reform and legal professions. In addition to his empirical work, Professor Liu also writes on theories of law, professions, and social spaces.

Seats for on-site participants are limited, pre-registration is required:
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Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law
Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
10/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower
Centennial Campus
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong

Tel : +(852) 3917 4267    
Fax : +(852) 2549 8495

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