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Law and Common Prosperity Series 

The Chinese government has recently outlined its vision of promoting “common prosperity” as the next stage in China’s development. Aimed at tackling China’s perennially high levels of income inequality and inadequate social support, the phrase signals a policy aimed at distributing wealth, expanding social mobility, and building a more effective welfare state. China’s ongoing crackdown on its Big Tech firms, with its heavy focus on leveling the playing field for competition in the tech sector, is just one example of this policy in action.  Centre director Angela Zhang will open our series with her presentation on China’s great reversal in regulating the platform economy and the logic behind China’s volatility in regulatory governance. Our invited guests will then discuss potential tax reforms and how they may affect those at the top of China’s income bracket as well as the tech giants.   Our distinguished guests will also talk about the recent labor law reforms on the welfare and protection for gig workers in the digital economy. Join our virtual series to learn about the impact of “common prosperity” on Chinese regulation and governance in the years to come. 

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China’s Great Reversal in Regulating the Platform Economy (September 3rd 2021)

Speaker: Dr. Angela Zhang, Director of the Philip K.H. Wong Centre of Chinese Law

Moderator:  Mr. Henry Tan, Q Venture Partners

Relevant Paper to this Talk: Please click HERE

Taxing China’s Ultra-Rich and Digital Giants (September 29th 2021) 

Labor Rights and Insurance for Gig Workers (October 6th 2021)

Reforming Labor Rights for Gig Workers (November 3rd 2021)

The Impact of the Draft Amendment of the Company Law on Corporate Governance in China (February 11st 2022)

Event PowerPoint: Please click HERE

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Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law
Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
10/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower
Centennial Campus
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong

Tel : +(852) 3917 4267    
Fax : +(852) 2549 8495

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