The US-China Trade Negotiation: A Contract Theory Perspective
Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law

Visiting Fellows programme in the Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law
Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law has hosted numerous experts and students of Chinese law. We offer a stimulating academic environment, and a unique opportunity to undertake research from a comparative perspective. Please note that this programme is self-funding, that is, the Centre is currently unable to provide any financial assistance to Fellows. Visitors are welcomed on a rolling basis. Applicants must submit their materials for consideration no later than 90-days prior to their intended visit.
If you are interested in visiting the Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law, HKU, you could e-mail the following information:
a resume;
a research proposal;
a recommendation letter from an academic and/or professional referees;
the proposed dates and duration of your stay;
a statement indicating what you hope to achieve during your visit
a statement indicating why you feel Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law is the best fit for your proposed research, including the names of particular colleagues/Faculty experts who might be of particular interest to
Leslie Wright Fellows programme in the Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law
Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law invites applications to visit the Centre as a Leslie Wright Fellow of the Centre. The duration of the visit is normally not more than three months, but longer visits may also be considered.
Applicants should be scholars engaged in teaching and research in law in Mainland China, Macau or Taiwan. The visit should be for the purpose of:
giving lectures, seminars or conference presentations in the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong;
conducting joint research with teachers in the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong; and/or
conducting research in topics for which materials are more easily available in Hong Kong than in the applicant’s home institution.
The Leslie Wright Hong Kong-China Legal Fund may provide some financial support to Leslie Wright Fellows visiting the Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law under this scheme. As funding is limited, applicants who do not receive financial support from the Fund may be appointed “Visiting Fellows in the Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law”.
If you are interested in being a Leslie Wright Fellow, you could e-mail the following information:
a resume;
a research proposal;
a recommendation letter from an academic and/or professional referees;
the proposed dates and duration of your stay;
a statement indicating what you hope to achieve during your visit
a statement indicating why you feel Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law is the best fit for your proposed research, including the names of particular colleagues/Faculty experts who might be of particular interest to
Leslie Wright Fellow's application to visit in the first semester of an academic year (September – December) should be sent to us before the end of May.
Leslie Wright Fellow's application to visit in the second semester of an academic year (January – May) should be sent to us before the end of August.